Slab leaks usually occur when there is a problem with plumbing pipes beneath your concrete slabs. It is considered as a serious problem because concrete, unlike normal ground can be difficult and expensive to deal with. If left untreated, water accumulation under concrete foundation can weaken the structure and degrades building quality, which in turn may endanger you and your family members. Worse, due to its location, leak under concrete slab can be hard to detect, as you won’t see any visible water accumulation. As the result, you may need to ask for experts help to do regular check on the situation of your foundation, before disaster strikes.
Luckily, we do have some ways to know whether leak may happen under the concrete slab. If you hear some water noises under the concrete slab, have higher-than-usual water bills, increasing humidity under your carpeting and warm spots, you may have leakage under the concrete slabs. If more than one symptom appears, immediately contact an expert. Slab leak usually happen when you have bad pipes, badly assembled fittings and pipes, unexpected electrolysis, rusts or small earthquakes.
Directly taking your concrete slabs apart to check the leak can be wasteful and costly. Make sure your contractors have tools designed to detect leakage under concrete without excavating the entire foundation. It would better if your contractor can guarantee that once the slab is excavated, they’ll find the leak. That way you can be protected financially, from incompetent contractors. If you are in the process of building your home, before assembling pipes under the slabs, make sure you understand the effect of electrolysis, Make sure your metal pipes won’t create electrical charges which make tiny holes. There are few methods to prevent it, ask your contractor for the best method for you.
Water leakages can definitely weaken the construction and therefore not too good for a house,there are leakage detection tools though that can assess the water leakage.
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