Senin, 12 April 2010

Things to Consider When Building Your Home to Prevent Future Slab Leaks

It can really troublesome to have slab leak in your home as they can be very costly to deal with, especially if left undetected for a long period of time. This problem can happen to everyone and despite your best efforts to prevent them, it may happen eventually. Of course preventing is a much better method than repairing. But pipes can leak even it is already made from the best material.
On of the most dangerous location of leak is on the foundation, as it can endanger the integrity of the building. A building with weak foundation can be threatened by sudden collapse. Especially if we consider the fact that slab leak can happen without knowledge due to the lack of signs and if there are signs, they can be quite subtle which make them left unnoticed.
Obviously, the best way to do is to ask your contractor to check your piping, especially on spring, as pipes integrity can be stressed during a cold winter. You should know the normal water volume of your pipes, when there is a sudden drop in water output, you may have a leak somewhere.
If your pipes are leaking, your only solution is to have them fixed, the best thing to do is to get an expert that have a good experience in repairing the leak without destroying too many slabs. During house construction, make sure that all pipes are assembled correctly and tightly. The cuts should be straight and clean to prevent unnecessary leaks. If you are living in an area with many earthquakes, then you may need an extra strong piping network to withstand sudden vibrations. If the soil in your location is unstable, even there is no earthquake, the foundation may shift and move which put some pressure on the pipes. So it may be necessary to fully strengthen the foundation to compensate for the unstable soil condition. These are things to consider when building your home, to prevent future slab leak problems.

24 komentar:

  1. Prevention is way, way better than cure, they say, and everyone believes it but not everyone takes this precautionary method seriously. Before building a house, we should start inspecting and checking, so we could repair cracked foundations, or detect any problems that we could later pass on to a professional.
    Foundation may shake even without earthquake if repairs are done in a wrong way. Soil settlement isn't a kid's game to take for granted. It is a serious thing that may and eventually will affect our living.
    Advanced checking involves hiring a pro (if needed, but much better if done) who can do the soil stabilization inspection – whether if it's a geological problem or a monetary one – and later on, doing this will save us from further disaster adieu.

  2. It is very essential to fix the leaking pipes because the damp caused by the pipes can lead to a lot of problems.Damp and thus mold and mildew which is finally a cause of many diseases.
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  3. oh my good, this is very true to be honest. water leaks are very dangerous and troublesome to us house owners. they can cost you a thousand dollars if you just let them be. i suggest you waterproof basements in your house.

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  5. Am agree with you every word because I have faced same problem in my kitchen area. Marble was quite expensive and then I got bad new its out of stock.
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  6. Slab leaks are really troublesome! You'll have to dig all the way down to the pipes just to fix it. Plus, it can be very expensive. This is why I never had an underground plumbing system for our house. Also, use piping materials such as PEX plastic pipe because of its flexibility and durability. Moreover, it can withstand temperatures from below 32 degrees to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

  7. I agree on whatever you have written in the post.slab leaks insurance is covered mostly by owners only.there is need of leak detecting in every commercial & residential areas because by applying leak detection process it helps you to locate & identify leaks in places where you don’t even know they exist.

  8. I have already encountered this in one mall here in our city and gosh its so very annoying and hassle. For people that are planning to hire a Handyman or contractor, make sure that the person they get knows everything and can handle things that are capable to fix easy or hard problem at a reasonable price.

  9. Dealing with the right Commercial builders will be the best decisions to make. And to avoid this kind of problem.

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